If you do any kind of marketing or advertising online, you’ve probably used Google Analytics to measure and track...
Digital Marketing Blog ARticlesHow Search Intent Plays Into Your SEO and Content Strategy
Why do people search? Search intent is the thought behind the user’s search. Every time someone pulls up a search bar...
Bing SEO: SEO Isn’t Just For Google Ranking
There’s no denying that Google is the behemoth in the search engine world. Still, it’s not the only search engine...
How Long Does SEO Take To See Results
We live in an instant society. If we pay for something, we expect instant results. That’s why some find SEO...
5 Things to Do Immediately to Optimize for Google’s Featured Snippets
We all hear terms like search engine optimization (SEO), data analytics, and featured snippets, but when you’re just...
Social Media SEO – Is There Such a Thing?
SEO – search engine optimization – has become an essential part of every digital marketer’s strategic plan. And just...
What Google’s Page Experience Update Means For Your Site
If you have any experience with Google, you know they are in the business of change. Since its inception, they’ve had...
7 Reasons Your SEO Strategy Isn’t Working
Too often, business owners wind up putting their marketing strategy on autopilot. They send out marketing materials...
Are You Still Using These On-Page Optimization Techniques?
On-page optimization - what is it? Did you find yourself scratching your head, wondering how it impacts your business?...
What If Google My Business Isn’t Working? Does That Impact SEO?
If you want to gain traction in Google, there are so many different ways to do it. If you’re a local business, you...
Using Google To Attract New Customers
Business in 2020 has been challenging. But the underlying principles of running a business haven’t changed. You need...
6 Steps To Get Your Content Marketing Strategy Moving Forward
Content is king. You read that a lot if you’ve spent any time looking at growing your business online. But what does...
How Is Your B2B SEO Plan?
The term B2B encompasses all companies that create and sell products and services used by other businesses. B2B...
Are You Optimizing For Visual Search?
When someone talks about search, what do you think of? Does the Google search bar pop into mind? For years, Google has...
Using a Landing Page to Convince People to Convert
If you’re trying to gain traction online in any way, you probably have a landing page or two in place to sell what you...
When Should I See Results With My Online Marketing Campaign?
You have your business idea ready to go. You’ve invested a lot in getting things ready. Your packaging looks great....
Why Pillar Pages Are So Important To Your SEO
What’s one of the most important aspects of SEO? Most digital marketers would tell you it’s content. Without high...
SEO-ing Old Domain Names Can Hurt Your Results
When you create a company, you spend a lot of time defining the overall goal. Yes, you start by creating a detailed...