Understand Lead Magnets and How To Use Them

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Understand Lead Magnets and How To Use Them

As of August 2017, there are 1.24 billion websites online.

That’s a lot of websites. That’s a lot of information!

I know you’re thinking that not all of them are your competition. I’d be willing to bet it’s a small fraction of a percent that will go head to head with your for a search results. But what are you doing to stand out from the crowd once they get to your site?

Because statistics show that you have very little time to make a connection with a person as they visit your site.

A viewer will make a decision in 8 seconds or less on whether to stay or leave.

Over 96 percent of them aren’t ready to buy, not at the moment they visit your page.

So your goal as a business, as a marketer, is to give your site better odds. It’s your goal to increase the likelihood that they will choose to stay and read. You’ll provide an enticing landing page that gives them the information they are looking for.

And once they read, they’ll want more. They’ll click. They’ll move. They’ll want more of what you have to give.

That’s where lead magnets come into play.

What is a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is an irresistible offer that gives a prospect value in exchange for their contact information. The goal of a lead magnet is to maximize the number of targeted leads you are getting to follow through on your offer.

A lead magnet can be simple or complex. They don’t have to be lengthy. They don’t have to be time sensitive. But they do have to be specific. Here’s why.

Your visitor has come to you with one thought in mind. They have a problem, and they are looking for a solution. They don’t care about anything you else you have to offer. They have one goal in mind.

It’s your job to figure out what it is and provide that to your viewers in the easiest way possible.

No more generic offers. Think specific instead.

Let’s look at a plumber as an example. A plumbing site may choose to highlight their water heaters. But people will be looking for different reasons. One person may want to upgrade for efficiency. One may know they want a tankless water heater. Still another may be looking for solutions as to why their water heater is making noises.

Three different prospects; three different reasons for being on your site. Three different opportunities to provide them with the right information to move them along.

Let’s look at different lead magnet types and how they can help you.


The most common lead magnet is a free guide or report. It’s also the most common way to move past specificity.

Many people produce one broad topic for their free report and consider their job done. But would a free report titled “25 Ways To Improve Your Plumbing” really capture the attention of someone looking for a new tankless water heater?

The more sophisticated you get with your marketing, the more lead magnets you should create to bring in the leads. What are your best sellers? Your top services? At a minimum, you should have lead magnets for each.

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Cheat Sheet

When was the last time you used a cheat sheet to get things done around your office or home? Or used a checklist to ensure you move through a task in step by step order?

They have a different feel than a report because the ultimate goal is to accomplish different things. They are usually one page in length. And with a little bit of ingenuity, you can create a graphic that will stand the test of time. Who wouldn’t want to print it out and post in near their computer to ensure they stay on track?

Cheat sheets cut straight to the chase; no wordy descriptions or text. They make an ultra-specific point, and you can deliver them as checklists, mind maps, or even blueprints. When you create a landing page that promises “cheats” or “lists,” who wouldn’t provide their information?


Depending on how sophisticated your products or services are, a toolkit or resource guide may be just what your prospects are looking for. They can be delivered as toolkits, resources, starter kits, templates, or even workbooks. When people sign up for one of these, they are looking to get things done.

Toolkits work perfectly for people that have a job to do. If you provide resources, this is an easy way to prove your expertise. Plus if you create it the right way, they’ll be looking at your contact information every time they put it to use.

Video Training

With today’s technology, you can provide information in any format you choose. And what we love about video training is people will often watch for hours if you have something important to say.

Start small – a lead magnet promising a 4 minute tutorial on the biggest reason people come to you. Then expand it from there. You can continue providing more training to bring them further into your process. The key to video is to give them just enough to make them want even more.

Free Trial

Do you provide a service? Do you have software to download? Why not ask them to sign up for a free trial?

We all know that half the battle of any marketing campaign is to get a prospect to pay attention to what you offer. You have to get your products into their hands, or your program at their fingertips. Trying is halfway there to buying. It’s where you can pull out all the stops and whet their appetites for wanting more.

So show them. Let them play. And have a follow-up formula ready to convert even more.

Discount/Free Shipping

How many times have you visited a site looking to save money? We all do it. But the most sophisticated marketers know how to take advantage of that and turn lookers into buyers.

To make a customer ready to take the next step, offer a coupon to do so. Give them a percentage or a dollar amount off. Or if you have a physical product, take away the shipping charges at least for the first purchase. It provides just enough of a push to move people to the next level.

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