Effective Retargeting Strategies to Re-Engage Your Audience

by | Target Marketing

Effective Retargeting Strategies to Re-Engage Your Audience

Marketing can sometimes be frustrating. You develop eye-catching ads with spot-on messages. The clicks roll in. But then, the audience leaves without making a purchase. This is where retargeting companies step in and use their knowledge to create strategies to get people back to your site to complete their journey.

What’s that? Not quite sure how retargeting works? Instead of static banner ads that stay where they’re placed, retargeting ads use a dynamic digital strategy that follows customers who’ve shown interest in what you offer but haven’t converted.

And they work. The average cart abandonment rate sits at 79.17 percent. Yet through retargeting, 44.1 percent of cart abandonment emails are opened, 29.9 percent of clicks ultimately lead to a purchase, and 11.61 percent of emails are followed by website visits.

What would that do for your business?

How a Retargeting Strategy Works

A retargeting strategy works by tracking visitors who interacted with your website or mobile app but didn’t complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. Here’s how it works.

When someone visits your website, a small piece of code, often called a pixel, is placed on their browser. This pixel tracks their behavior and gathers data on how they move around your site. This data shows which pages they visit, what products they look at, and how long they stay.

From there, your audience is segmented based on their behavior, such as:

  • Users who view specific products
  • Users who add items to the cart but don’t check out
  • Users who spend a certain amount of time on your site

This allows you to get personal and creative with each ad you create. You can speak directly to the target audience, knowing the last step they took on your site. These ads encourage them to return and complete the desired action.

With these ads ready and waiting, they are displayed to your segmented audience as they browse other websites, use social media platforms, or watch videos online. By keeping your brand visible and reminding potential customers of their initial interest, you nudge them back to your site.

The goal is to re-engage your audience by providing them with reminders and incentives to revisit your site. Give them a compelling reason to return. Use special offers or discount codes. Make your offers in different ways. Doing so increases the likelihood of converting visitors into customers.

Retargeting companies offer ways to monitor your retargeting campaigns’ performance continuously. By analyzing critical metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI, you can refine and optimize each campaign for better results. This optimization process ensures all your retargeting campaigns remain effective and efficient.

Consider These Retargeting Strategies

Retargeting ads are not a one-size-fits-all strategy. To be as effective as possible, you’ll want to select a strategy that aligns with your goals. While there are many ways to use retargeting strategies, here are some of the more popular:

Site Retargeting

Considered one of the basic strategies, this type of retargeting is easy to implement in any campaign. Place a pixel on a website or landing page to create an audience of users who have visited or interacted with the page. Then, tailor your message based on their actions. This strategy works well for users who have visited your page but didn’t complete the form, shopped but didn’t purchase, or added product to a cart but didn’t complete the order.

Engagement Retargeting

Similar to site retargeting, engagement retargeting targets users who have interacted with your content, such as videos, social media posts, or emails, but haven’t taken the next step. This allows you to craft your follow-up messaging based on their actions, reminding them of what they had previously interacted with.

Impression Retargeting

Impression retargeting allows you to retarget anyone who has seen your ads but not clicked on them. This approach helps keep your brand top of mind for those who have shown passive interest by viewing your ads. These ads work well for increased brand awareness and higher engagement rates.

Email Retargeting

You know they’ve opened your emails, but they haven’t taken the desired action. By sending follow-up emails or displaying ads online, you can encourage users to re-engage with your content and move further down the sales funnel.

CRM Retargeting

CRM retargeting uses data from your customer relationship management system to target existing customers or leads with personalized ads. Leveraging your detailed information about your customer base can increase brand awareness, help nurture leads, upsell current customers, and encourage repeat purchases.

Dynamic Retargeting

This takes personalization to another level. Your display ads will show users who have interacted with your site the specific products or services they viewed while visiting. This highly targeted approach increases the relevance of the ads and improves the chances of converting visitors into customers.

Still Not Sure If Retargeting Is Right for You?

Retargeting companies help clients run retargeting campaigns in many different ways. If you’re thinking about running your first one, we suggest you start with your goals. Why do you want to run a retargeting ad?

Generate Awareness

Awareness campaigns give you the opportunity to re-engage your website visitors and tell them once again about relevant products, features, or announcements.

Drive Conversions

The whole point of running ads is to turn traffic into sales. Why not do more of both? Conversion campaigns work best when you can see a clear next step in the process, and it can be measured with a specific outcome, such as a click, a form submission, or a sale.

Complete the Buyer’s Journey

Retargeting returns a prospect or qualified lead back into the buyer’s journey cycle. It’s a kind reminder of where a user left off.

Reduce Cart Abandonment

Provide a gentle reminder to users who place items in their cart but don’t complete the buying process. Remind them it’s still available and ready for purchase.

Increase Customer Lifetime Value

This is about brand awareness. It reminds customers of your brand and encourages them to continue making purchases.

Start Retargeting With Retargeting Companies Today

Adding a retargeting strategy to your marketing plan increases the precision of the outcomes. It ensures that each interaction with your brand moves further along the marketing funnel.

Have questions about making a retargeting strategy work for your business? We’re here to help. Contact us today to see it in action.

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