Mid Size International Airport

DMG works with a mid size international airport located in one of the most exclusive places in the United States. During Q4 of 2022, the airport partnered with DMG to build brand awareness among locals who typically flew through other means and/or airports. The goal was to increase awareness amongst this key group of frequent flyers.​

The DMG Creative team developed a suite of social ads to run on Facebook and to be optimized during the six-week flight. Two of the creative specs proved to be the most impactful with the most desirable audience for the airport. Given the high travel, low inventory nature of Q4 in both the advertising and travel space, DMG went with a Facebook specific strategy to garner reach and engagement during this pivotal time.​

This campaign delivered 726,589 impressions with 10,085 clicks and was such a success that the airport has now been nominated by its new customers as a candidate for the best airport in the country by Conde Nast Traveler!​

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