E-Commerce Holiday Gifting Campaign

One of DMG’s long term partners is a national prepaid gift card manufacturer and distributor. Last year DMG led a campaign focused on a national grocery retailer to increase gifting sales during the holiday shopping season.​

Understanding that our client was looking to increase gifting across a variety of consumers (teens gifting for parents, parents gifting teachers, client gifts, etc.) we devised an omnichannel strategy that included a variety of influencer voices to create videos, HTML5 ads incorporating influencer content, and targeted social ads that ran through both the influencers and client social handles across the various audience segments to drive sales.​

This campaign began on Black Friday and ran through the December 31 (for those forgotten gifts!). This flight generated over one million dollars in attributed sales- a $16.85 ROAS!​

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Average CTR

589 k

Social Media Engagements​


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