Do You Have a Video Marketing Strategy?

by | Creative Services

Do You Have a Video Marketing Strategy?

Viewers globally watch more than 1 billion hours on average of YouTube content every day. They’re watching everything from how-tos to infomercials to entertainment. If you don’t have a video marketing strategy, you’re missing out on a valuable way to reach prospects and customers.

But knowing you need to incorporate video and doing something about it are two separate things. You can no longer get by with written content and still images. With reels, live streaming, interactive 360 videos, augmented reality, and AI changing the scenery daily, video is the only way to engage with your audience and provide the value they’re craving.

A video marketing strategy is the answer. It helps provide a plan for using video content to promote your brand, starting with figuring out what type of video you need and distributing it for maximum results.

Why Video Marketing?

YouTube launched in 2005 as an online video-sharing platform. Google saw the value and purchased it in November 2006 for $1.65 billion.

As the technology for creating and launching videos has become easier, it’s become increasingly popular with marketers. Why not pull your phone out, record a quick message, and have it on your site in minutes? It’s that easy—which is why so many people are utilizing it daily. Currently, audiences spend more than 17 hours a week watching videos online.

Ignoring video no longer makes sense. Every social media platform now incorporates video as a main way of sharing. Tweets get more engagement when video is used; LinkedIn now showcases video regularly. Instagram features reels more than any other type of content; Pinterest users watch one billion videos per day.

It’s not just about the statistics or how video is used on social media. (Although that’s reason enough to pay attention.) Video improves SEO and boosts conversion and sales.

That’s because search engines pay attention to what people want. People want video, so they tweak the algorithms to showcase and rank search results that point to video. If it ranks better, it’s more likely to get clicked. That gets you in front of more eyeballs, ultimately increasing sales.

How To Create a Video Marketing Strategy

Video is now a practical marketing tool for every marketer and every business. Yet there is more to it than just pulling your phone out of your pocket, recording what’s around you, and hitting upload. Your video marketing strategy should be used to guide you. It’s how you fully define your budget, your timelines, your content, your production process, and your conversion metrics.

Start With Your Video Goals

Every marketing choice starts with a goal. Without a clear purpose, you’ll find yourself re-shooting, re-framing, and re-editing, trying to produce the right video. Whether you want one video or many to create a stronger, more engaged marketing funnel, the more you define it, the clearer you’ll be with your audience.

Define Your Target Audience

Fully defining your audience is the most crucial step. If you shoot with a specific audience in mind, you’re more likely to give them what they want. You’ll better understand who will be watching and shoot a video you can use well into the future. This starts with a series of questions:

  • Who buys your products or services: This is your customer avatar.
  • What purpose does your video serve in the process: This will be what your video teaches them as they move through your marketing funnel.
  • Where your audience will watch: This is the platform they use to view your video.

This can and should change depending on where you place it. Twitter audiences will view content differently than TikTok audiences. But don’t think you must shoot multiple videos; sometimes, you can adjust the tone with minor changes. You’ll develop this over time as you craft your persona.

Choose the Best Platforms for Distribution

Each social media platform has its own audience and target market. How you shoot and use your videos will depend on the audience you’re reaching and the industry you’re in.

Many people choose to develop a YouTube channel and store their video content there. YouTube SEO is equally as important as website SEO. But ultimately, this is about your audience. Consider:

  • View time
  • Size and sound limitations
  • Budget
  • Promotion
  • Personalization

Video is about brand awareness, educating your audience, entertaining them, and providing the answers they search for. Some platforms are built to help you with promotion, with algorithms designed to get more eyes on your videos. Specializing in specific channels early on can benefit you as you grow.

Develop Your Message

Do you want your videos to be short and sweet? Have a modern edge? Be purely for entertainment? Chances are, you have some idea of the persona you’re hoping to create. You can also do searches to determine what style best suits your brand.

Also realize that every customer group will need their own expertise. Someone just starting their journey won’t have the exact needs as someone who just purchased from you. What motivates them at every step? What content speaks their language?

Don’t worry about getting it wrong on the first try. By working with a creative team, you can circumvent the roadblocks that might otherwise hold you back and get right into the heart of production.

Measure Success

Before you move into production, however, you’ll need to define your goals and find the best metrics to help you understand whether you’ve reached those goals.

Most platforms have fairly sophisticated metrics built into the platform. YouTube can tell you things like:

  • Watch time—how many views since it was uploaded
  • Average percentage viewed—how well your video holds viewers’ attention
  • Re-watches—the number of times viewers re-watch certain parts of your video
  • Engagement—comments, shares, likes, and dislikes

Other platforms have their own unique way of tracking engagement. Get good at understanding your metrics. They can help you refine your current videos and help you prepare your next with greater precision.

Ready, Set, Action!

The growth of video marketing is presenting unique opportunities to today’s marketers. Consumers prefer video; every survey shows just how much growth there is. People want their information in a short, bite-sized format. They want to watch for quick action.

Does your strategy account for this? Are you using video to the best of your ability? No matter your budget or past experience, now is the time to jump in and start using video.

Overwhelmed? Start with our steps here. And if you have additional questions, we’re always ready to help.

What are you waiting for?

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