7 Essential Features of Great Business Websites

by | Creative Services

7 Essential Features of Great Business Websites

The very first website was launched 33 years ago. A lot has changed in 33 years, but not the desire to share information visually and in an entertaining way. Great business websites have morphed and become more sophisticated over the years, but they are still crafted to connect with like-minded individuals and share a little about what they do.

Yet what appeals to audiences has changed. Once you have your domain name, you build. If you built a website years ago, your website might not speak to your current clientele. If you’re redesigning your website, do you know what you truly want it to say?

Great business websites have a few things in common. We know this because a lot of research has gone into what makes a website work. Did you know:

  • 47 percent of users won’t wait longer than two seconds for a website to load.
  • Website users spend an average of 6.44 seconds focused on the main navigation menu.
  • The average time spent on a page is 54 seconds.
  • Including videos on a website can increase the time spent on a page by 88 percent.

Does any of that change your approach to your own website? Here’s more to ponder.

1. Clear Purpose

In the simplest words, a website’s purpose is to convert visitors into customers. Of course, it’s much more complicated than that.

When you build a website, imagine a specific person visiting it with a specific need. They come from somewhere, possibly Google or a referral. They are looking for something. They’re researching, gathering information, or evaluating their options.

The more your site speaks to them, the more likely they are to stay, read, watch videos, and click on your action items. They may sign up for a free report, complete a form, or complete a sale.

To reach your clear purpose, you have to define who that person is and recognize that different user types might approach your website with different goals and interests. And that’s okay because great business websites are designed to identify the major user types and clarify and address their needs. Design follows content structure. It gives people what they’re looking for.

2. User-Friendly Design

Ever left a website where you couldn’t find what you were looking for? The designer didn’t use the basic principle of user-friendly design. The more user-friendly your website is, the more likely it is your visitors will stay, learn, engage, and get involved.

User-friendly design comes from everything we’re talking about here. This is about giving people what they want. But it’s also more than that. It also gives people what they expect, even subconsciously as they click around.

They pay attention to content but click on navigation because it’s convenient and expected. Ever had trouble finding a button because it wasn’t where you expected? That’s a downside of trying to get “creative.”

Website visitors don’t like to be surprised. They don’t want to work hard to find information buried in a website. They like predictability as they navigate and expect to be surprised by your content. It’s a delicate balance great business websites figure out and do well.

3. Mobile Responsiveness

How does your website look on a desktop, a tablet, and a smartphone? A responsive website changes the layout to look good no matter what device is used for viewing. A mobile-responsive website includes design elements that make a site look good even on the smallest mobile device with features such as:

  • No horizontal scrolling
  • Readable text without zooming
  • Adequate space for tapping navigation and buttons

It’s about creating a fluid, flexible layout that adjusts according to screen size. Great business websites get this right, looking good and working great on whatever screen a user is using.

4. Fast Load Times

Remember the two-second load statistic from above? With so many sites at their fingertips, today’s searchers won’t wait for a website that has trouble loading. If one of your pages doesn’t load quickly, they will move on to one that does. Worse, they may label your site as delivering a bad customer experience, hurting your overall reputation.

Search engines care about load time to determine rankings within their results. Fast sites have priority in placement. Viewers care because they want fast information. They leave if they don’t get what they want. Ultimately, it’s about keeping users happy. Frustrated users leave and never return.

5. Effective Navigation and Calls To Action

Most of your website visitors won’t take action unless you ask. That’s where calls to action come into play. Their purpose is to lead your visitors somewhere. They are integral to your marketing funnel and, ultimately, your sales pipeline.

Great business websites have great user experiences with a clear path of action. It’s about one compelling call to action per page, moving each viewer to a new place on your site. The purpose should be clear and relevant. It should be about engaging with your viewers and keeping them happy.

6. Visuals

Visuals provide a lot of information in one complete package. Visuals tell a story efficiently to capture attention and help your viewers engage. They give a site a good first impression and add to the aesthetics of a page.

Ever looked at a page filled to the brim with content? Intimidating, right? The right visuals can add depth to a page, making it more scannable, more relatable, and more engaging.

Look at a picture—it’s highly engaging. Have an infographic? It’s an easy way to provide a lot of information in one easy format. Video can increase the amount of time a person commits to a page.

Visuals help sell. And if you’re trying to create an engaging website that speaks to your customers, they make great additions to every page.

7. SEO

Search engine optimization is as much about users as the search engines themselves. Because SEO is about understanding what people are searching for online. It’s about researching the words they are using and the answers they are seeking and crafting content they want to consume.

When you master all the website enhancements we’ve discussed, you’re more likely to be attractive to those who find you. And Google will love you too.

Do You Have a Great Business Website?

While there are many ways to make your site more user-friendly, never overestimate the power of simplicity. A clean, easy-to-use site will always win over viewers.

How does your website stand up to your competition? Need some help? Is it time to rethink how it fits into your digital marketing strategy? We’re happy to help.

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